School Health
We have two School Nurses, who are responsible for both the health and wellbeing of our pupils, and the provision of First Aid. They liaise with all staff to ensure the health needs of the pupils are met during the school day.
The Nurses are on duty in their room, next to the Theatre, from 8.15am to 4.15pm, Monday to Friday, on a job share basis. In addition, there are members of staff, who are qualified first aiders, who can be called upon in the event of an emergency.
Any pupil who feels unwell goes to see the Nurse or, as the circumstances demand, the child is treated in situ. If it is necessary to send a pupil home, for medical reasons, the Nurse will contact the parents to arrange for them to collect their child. In the event of a pupil requiring hospital treatment, a member of staff will accompany the child and remain in attendance until a parent arrives.
To speak with the School Nurse, please call 01789 293795.
Pupils should not bring medication from home, without the school being informed in advance. This applies to all prescribed and over-the-counter medication, even medicated throat lozenges. If your child requires medication of any type during the day, the school must be informed, the correct paperwork completed, and the medication safely stored in the Nurses Room until required.
School Defibrillator
The school has a defibrillator, which is sited on the internal wall outside the front School Office. The Nurses are responsible for ensuring the defibrillator is in working order, and the pads are in date and checked monthly.
We have both adult and children pads available to use in an emergency.