STEM Faculty
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
In our ever-changing world, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics are the driving forces behind technological change and progress; here at The Croft we aim to instil pupils with a curiosity and excitement for these subjects. Children’s natural curiosity and intrigue will be encouraged during lessons, and an ability to problem solve and be self-critical will allow for their improvement and progress.
STEM lessons are delivered in subject specific classrooms enabling a dedicated approach, which helps to promote a genuine intrigue in this exciting area.
The school offers additional experience of the subjects through dedicated STEM days. Specific activities and presentations are organised to further the children’s understanding and educate them in the varied applications of the subjects. In our aim to develop future innovators, problem solvers and researchers, we also encourage parents, local businesses and outside agencies to share their experience and expertise in STEM.
A firm understanding of these subjects will create a solid foundation to enable them to work and thrive in professions that experience rapid change and growth.
Children are naturally curious about how the world around them works, and it is in Science lessons that the answers to their questions can begin to be answered. Using a stimulating blend of discussions, demonstrations, and as many practical activities as possible, children are encouraged to explore and question. Teaching staff aim to foster and prolong their thirst for knowledge.
In addition to a challenging range of topics, the children are taught how to work and think like a scientist, starting from the earliest years and progressing in a series of carefully graded steps. These steps nurture critical thinking, independence, and respect for the world around them. By the end of Year 6, our young people are fully prepared to progress to secondary school, equipped with the necessary skills to continue their educational adventure.
At The Croft, we deliver Technology through the Design and Technology curriculum, introducing it to all the children attending the school. The lessons are delivered in a variety of ways and often prove to be an exciting way to experience cross-curricular links.
Technology is not only rooted in computer devices. We introduce it to the children through techniques, skills, methods and processes, which they develop and practise in the Technology Classroom, Computer Suite, Forest School and other areas of our spacious grounds. Subject specific teachers allow for greater focus on the subject as they move up through the school, and external agencies are often used to allow the children to experience unique and innovative resources.
Children have access to mobile technologies, which allow for support in all subjects and all areas of the school. Their use encourages children to become innovative and develop creative thinking skills; this in turn supports their curiosity and excitement for this ever-changing subject.
The children learn about Engineering through all the STEM subjects, due to its broad definition. At The Croft, we aim to change any preconceptions about engineering and to ignite a fascination in the subject.
Allowing children the opportunity to put Maths, Science and Technology through engineering principles, helps to cement their understanding and give the children purpose to their learning. They are encouraged to engage in fun and practical activities, through which their mistakes can lead to increased resilience and an ability to develop new and improved products and processes.
We live in a world that revolves around Engineering and in an area with a rich history in the subject. We welcome parents who can support the subject by becoming involved in projects, and by offering their expertise and experiences.
Our aim is to start the intrigue and excitement in a subject that offers no limits to the places it can take you.
At The Croft, we know that Mathematics makes a huge contribution to a child’s personal development, as it equips them with the tools that can help them understand and maybe, one day, change the world. So, with this in mind we want to ensure that every child is given all the tools they need to reach their full potential.
We have a core set of principles and beliefs for achieving mastery in Mathematics. This includes a belief that all children are capable of understanding and doing Mathematics. Pupils are neither ‘born with the math’s gene’ or ‘just no good at math’. With quality teaching, appropriate resources, effort and a ‘can do’ attitude, all children can achieve and enjoy Mathematics. The White Rose Scheme of Learning provides us with the framework to help us achieve this.
Mastery is not just being able to memorise key facts and procedures, and to answer test questions accurately and quickly. It involves knowing ‘why’, as well as knowing ‘that’ and knowing ‘how’. It means the children become teachers themselves and are able to show, teach and explain to others how to do something. As a child’s mastery develops, it means being able to use their knowledge appropriately, flexibly and creatively, and to apply it in new and unfamiliar situations.
Children really can learn from their mistakes and rather than interpreting failing in a negative way, they must be encouraged to think of it as their ‘First Attempt In Learning’. It is up to all of us to develop the mindsets of children - and sometimes even adults! - to encourage a positive Growth Mindset and a ‘we can’ attitude to Mathematics.