Parents' Views
Current Parent.
An excellent school. I can’t rate it highly enough. There’s so much to stimulate and interest the children. My son loves it.
Claudia Berry, Current parent and previous pupil.
Your experience at the Croft.
I joined The Croft in Reception when I was 4 in 1983 and stayed until leaving in Year 6 in 1990. The Croft gave me so many happy memories, it was a place where I was looked after and nurtured, but also challenged in some areas. I always felt incredibly happy and secure. I specifically remember ‘Cola’ the Labrador (Mr & Mrs Thornton’s Dog) and being given the important responsibility of looking after the animals at ‘Pets Corner’ - which convinced me at the time that I wanted to be a Vet.
Animals always felt a huge part of The Croft back then, and even the French Teacher, Mr Piper had his dog in the classroom!
Other great memories include being a tree in the Christmas Play (acting in front of the renowned actor Ben Kinglsey, whose son also attended the school at the time), Conker matches, snowball fights and the incredibly itchy carpet we used to sit on when doing timetables!
I built strong friendships at the school, who I am still in touch with today, including some whose children also attend the school now as well.
The Croft gave me so many happy memories, it was a place where I was looked after and nurtured, but also challenged in some areas. I always felt incredibly happy and secure.
Why did you consider the Croft for your daughter?
My late father always discussed the importance of education, he was always so positive about The Croft, and so I wanted to follow and continue his view for Sienna. Even now with a more modern approach and Headmaster, the Croft still has the same values and morals that I experienced. It has a warm and nurturing environment that continues to support the fully all-rounded pupil. We wanted exactly that for Sienna, to have the memories of driving down the long drive, the massive castle (it felt massive to me as a child!) and all the other opportunities that the school and facilities provide.
Your experience of the Croft now, as a parent?
With careful nurturing and teaching, Senna is made to feel encouraged and capable with her subjects, teachers successfully guide and support her, meaning she does not feel pressurised with subjects that are not naturally her strongest. We also feel that the school positively prepares Sienna adjustments as she progresses through school. Next year she will be walking through the arches into Prep and each stage supports transitions through the years and from The Croft to a larger school further into the future.
Testimonial from Claudia's daughter, Sienna...
“I am very happy at my school and my teacher is amazing. She is a bit strict but more kind than strict. I love my friends, but I don’t like the dining room at lunchtime, it’s too noisy! Mr Bolderston is very funny, and silly he makes me laugh. I love the castle. I feel safe at school and miss my friends when I’m not there. I find some subjects tricky, but my teacher says that’s OK and if I fall into the learning pit, I will always come out again. That’s it really!”
![]() Reception Pupil in 1983
![]() Brother Ollie (now Mr Harrison)
Charlotte Tyler, Previous parent of 3 children, across 16 years.
Our parenting journey at the Croft began in the Summer of 2006 when our first child, Max started in Pre-Reception. Lily in 2008 and Tobias in 2012. We finally ended this journey in July 2022 when Tobias left to head off to secondary school, a sad day for all.
As a family we fully immersed ourselves into life at the Croft for 16 years by attending the many events that the school offers, numerous sports fixtures and sports days, concerts, drama productions, music recitals and parents’ evenings and brilliant CPA events.
All three our children absolutely LOVED their years at this wonderful school. Each one of them has enjoyed their own special Croft experience, had a lovely group of friends and their Croft friendships live on to this day. The solid foundations of those friendships were made in the all too important early years of their lives at the Croft, along with their strong moral compasses and strong core values which they continue to carry with them through the next phases of their lives: Friendship & Trust, Respect, Creativity, Growth Mindset, Excellence and Resilience.