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Inspection Reports


ISI Progress Monitoring Inspection

In September 2023, The Croft successfully met all the requirements of the ISS (Independent School Standards) Regulations and was found to be compliant in all areas.

Progress Monitoring Inspection Report - September 2023


ISI Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection Report

In March 2023, The Croft School successfully attained excellence in all 

  • The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is EXCELLENT
  • The quality of the pupils’ personal development is EXCELLENT

Key findings of the inspection under each aspect are outlined as the following:

Academic and other achievements:

  • Pupils demonstrate outstanding attitudes to learning; they are willing to engage and want to work hard.
  • Pupils are very competent communicators; they are active listeners and articulate speakers.
  • Pupils have excellent collaborative skills and show willingness to take initiative when given the opportunity.
  • Pupils have high levels of knowledge and skills across all areas of learning.

Personal development:

  • Pupils demonstrate high levels of resilience and willingness to learn from their mistakes.
  • Pupils have strong moral values and awareness of right and wrong.
  • Pupils show excellent social skills which enable the achievement of common goals.
  • Pupils are quietly self-confident and are strongly aware of their own self-worth.

Inspection Statement from Mr Cook, Headmaster

ISI Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection Report


ISI Regulatory Compliance Inspection

In June 2018, The Croft School successfully met all eight standards of the regulatory compliance inspection, with no further action required.

ISI Regulatory Compliance Inspection


ISI Integrated Inspection

In July 2015, The Croft was awarded ‘Outstanding’ and ‘Excellent’ accreditations from the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) for the third consecutive inspection. The inspection report endorsed the long tradition of The Croft’s reputation as an outstanding educational provider where high quality academic achievements are supported by a caring, nurturing environment. The frequent use of both ‘Excellent’ and ‘Outstanding’, the top grade descriptors attainable, is something of which the entire Croft community is very proud.

Early Years (comprising Nursery, Little Crofters Pre-School and Reception) was rated as an ‘Outstanding’ provision in all areas with no recommendations for improvement. The inspection report noted that ‘Provision for the children’s well-being is outstanding. Children are happy and confident and benefit from the highly stimulating environment and exciting activities provided. The children’s personal and emotional development is outstanding’.

Years 1 – 6 equally impressed the inspectors who returned an overall accreditation of ‘Excellent’, the highest award in this category. The inspectors wrote, ‘The quality of pupils’ achievements and learning is excellent. Pupils are extremely well educated’. The inspectors also observed that ‘music, drama, art and sport feature strongly in the curriculum, supported by excellent facilities’ and that ‘the dynamic, well planned curriculum provides pupils with a rich learning experience, well suited to all their needs.’

Please find below our most recent Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) reports and relevant information from the Department for Education Performance Tables.

ISI Integrated Inspection


Independent Schools Inspectorate Links to our school's page

Department for Education School Information

Alveston Hill, Loxley Road,
Warwickshire, CV37 7RL

T:01789 293795

map of school location

Dulce et Forte